Sunday, January 10, 2010


I am in midst of a lot of bloggers who blog about a lot of things under this world.. in the evening one of my friends asked me why i am nt writing down my thoughts.. well i thought about it n got the answer .. its really simple.. answer is that i dont know how to write or how to convert my ideas into an ordered structured one...of course my poor knowledge on english also needs to be taken into account :) i told the same to him.. then he told me to start writing small small incidents that happen in our daily life.. i mean narratives so thinking about writing about some kind of real incidents.. frm tomorrow onwards..

hence from next time onwards my blog readers can expect unlimted fun (in way of grammatical n language errors), a lot of wonderable (dnt know whether that wrd is correct or is there such a word??) things, in between some ideas worth a lot of "paisa"s nt ruppees.. :)

1 comment:

Duffer said...

go for it brother ..u will do perfectly good ..:)